Who are we?  Committed professionals who are passionate about making the internet work for everyone.  Imagine a place where anything is possible.  That place already exists, and it’s on everyone’s computer, smart phone, tablet and now televisions and home gadgets.  At DP Tech Solutions, we’re certain we can make the internet do great things for your company.

Officially formed in 2006 as Devil’s Playground LLC, we began our existence providing web hosting and programming services developing custom e-commerce for the web.  Since that time, we’ve grown substantially, building point of sale systems, transportation information systems, and online assessment and registration utilities.  DP Tech Solutions is the end result of our expansion into offering programming and design services across the board to small and medium sized businesses.

We still offer web hosting through our sister site over at DP Hosting; it remains a core service offered by DP Tech Solutions and integral to our business operations.  We use the services of DP Hosting as the foundation to many of the services we offer.  The platform is sound and solid with an unprecedented uptime and network operations structure that we offer the same services to the masses.  Web hosting is a very competitive market, and we’re proud to have found a solution that is unique and robust.  If nothing else, check out DP Hosting over at http://www.dphosting.com and compare what you pay for web hosting to what we are offering.  We promise for the level of service being offered you won’t find anyone else with pricing similar to ours.